TRAVEL: Sep 05, AU Edition
SUBCONTINENTAL DRIFT After a whirlwind trip through India’s sights, smells and sounds, Robert Cross vows to return AIPUR, India – ‘I was told that the first thing you’ll notice is the smell,’ said my friend […]
SUBCONTINENTAL DRIFT After a whirlwind trip through India’s sights, smells and sounds, Robert Cross vows to return AIPUR, India – ‘I was told that the first thing you’ll notice is the smell,’ said my friend […]
NOODLING AROUND Want a fun challenge in the kitchen? Make your own pasta, says Eli Jameson Ah, the pasta aisle of the supermarket. Fettucini, cavatelli, oricchiette, rigatoni, penne rigate…just reading off the names on the […]
LOST IN TRANSLATION She was a Russian dancer. He was a suburban psychopath. IAN WISHART has the story of a paedophile’s manipulation of the law to gain access to children, and a trail of wrecked […]
WAR STORIES James Fletcher reports on the latest home-viewing offerings A Loving Father Rated: M 4 stars Director Jacob Berger, son of well known English writer John Berger, isn’t a man afraid of presenting himself […]
MEN BEHAVING BADLY This month: sickos, school shooters, and English-language abusers – plus a great sea tale MR MUO’S TRAVELLING COUCH By Dai Sijie Chatto & Windus, $39.95, ISBN: 0 7011 7739 X Dai Sijie’s […]
RAGING BULL There’s nothing more red-blooded than a juicy slab of steak, but BARBARA SUMNER-BURSTYN reports that a female sex hormone linked to ‘gay’ behaviour in animals and adverse effects on children is being pumped […]
ALL DUE RESPECT A chance fare leaves our driver wondering if there will always be an England A week doesn’t pass when my cab radio doesn’t issue broadcasts warning of youths throwing rocks at passing […]
SWING TIME Welcome to Investigate’s new and occasional tribute to the greatest game on Earth If there were an identifiable chemical compound called golf, it would have been scheduled as an illegal drug by now. […]
BAD CHOICES A New South Wales abortionist will stand trial in November for manslaughter after an alleged illegal termination that went terribly wrong – the first such prosecution in New South Wales in over two […]
VISIONS OF EMBARGOES Ed Bark is stuck inside a screening room with the can’t-talk-about-this-movie blues again BEVERLY HILLS, California – Now you see him, or else you don’t. The secretive society known as Bob Dylan […]
IAN WISHART Child abuse and the nature of evil Surveys show around 90% of Australians and New Zealanders have a spiritual belief. Many people as part of that belief acknowledge the existence of spiritual evil, […]
ANN COULTER It’s ‘let’s roll’, not ‘let’s roll over’ Since the London bombings, there has been a palpable feeling in the air that another terrorist attack is imminent. Maybe not as bad as 9/11, perhaps […]
KUNG FU FIGHTING There’s nothing frightening about a bizarre new martial arts flick. Plus: professional skaters and other kids with too much money Kung Fu Hustle Release: July 2, 2005 Rated: R 5 stars I […]
A HEART-MENDING TALE Turning the growth of blood vessels on and off could treat not just cardiac problems, but many cancers as well The great elephant descended and left the indentation of its foot upon […]
TIM DUNLOP Why do conservatives hate this Western success story? Since September 11, the right has been at pains to argue there is no such thing as root causes for the jihadist terrorism that currently […]
ALAN ANDERSON Blackmail is an ugly word for the Nats’ current strategy. But it fits One of the hallmarks of the Howard Government has been its willingness to buy off sectional interests in order to […]
GETTING SMARTER Have laptop? Get a PDA smartphone to make yourself fully mobile, suggests Ian Wishart Stuck in traffic, and desperately trying to remember the name of that Turkish café further up the line so […]
ALAN RM JONES Recalling Abu Ghraib The late 19th, early 20th Century French philosopher Henri Bergson contended that there were two types of memory. On the one hand, there is what he termed ‘habit-memory’, which […]
WILL THERE ALWAYS BE AN ENGLAND? British MP Frank Field visited Australia recently on behalf of the Centre for Independent Studies, and took the time to sit down with Investigate editor James Morrow to discuss […]
MANY HAPPY RETURNS Researchers have finally discovered the secrets behindthe mysteries of female orgasm, writes Pat Sheil To the male of the species, being involved in a female orgasm is a wonderfully fulfilling experience. It […]
JAMES MORROW Iraq: For some on the left, it’s the defeat America has to have Years ago, back when Bill Clinton held the lease to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I had one of the least exciting, […]
THE TAX MAN COMETH Big brother is watching – here’s how to keep him from taking too much away Australians tend to like to push the envelope when it comes to authority figures. This is […]
MATT HAYDEN The latest in lifestyle programming – coming soon to Channel 873! Ciao Channel! For vivacious viewers who want to do lunch and learn how it was made! TV GUIDE 10 September 2005 2:30 […]
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