Heat in the kitchen
Migrant chefs exposed as members of terrorist group In an Auckland restaurant today, a young Muslim man works as a chef, and may be on the verge of getting permanent residency. But this man is […]
Migrant chefs exposed as members of terrorist group In an Auckland restaurant today, a young Muslim man works as a chef, and may be on the verge of getting permanent residency. But this man is […]
NUCLEAR ARMS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND WHAT IT COULD MEAN FOR NEW ZEALAND When Prime Minister Helen Clark meets President Bush shortly at the White House, one of the main topics on the agenda […]
SUNLIGHT: THE BEST MEDICINE? The Jury Is In For three years now, sunsafe campaigners have been appealing for calm and “more research” before making “hasty” decisions about the dangers of UV rays. But now two […]
Sometimes ignorance can be bliss, but science writer Nick Sault argues the world needs to take the threat of asteroid strikes a lot more seriously… Over the last few decades there has been a great […]
ANY STORM IN A PORT China’s Trojan horse in NZ [The following story initially ran in the April 06 edition of Investigate magazine, but is directly relevant to the purchase announced April 28, 2008 of […]
JUNE 2002 EDITION Evidence of a political and financial spider’s web involving Cabinet Ministers, millionaire businessmen, senior journalists and newspaper editors in a plan to manipulate public opinion has emerged in a pile of explosive […]
RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT Gary A. Warner says that if you look beyond the sleaze, Amsterdam is full of treasures Forget the canals. Forget the coffeehouses. Forget the acres of Rembrandts and Van Goghs. Forget […]
COPY CATS Entrepreneurial American scientists are destined for the dog house, says Susanne Quick It’s just another brown brick building in a suburban American business park. But Suite J at the Waunakee Business Center in […]
CHRIS CARTER A state-sponsored frontal lobotomy How do you finally discover that you have crossed the threshold as it were and become, irrevocably, a grizzly old bastard? Could some of the signs, for instance, be […]
IT’S A SMALL, SMALL WORLD From cough syrups to eyeglasses for cows, Martha McKay takes a peek into a very tiny future At the nanotechnology show in New York City recently, companies touted the state-of-the-art, […]
SUBCONTINENTAL DRIFT After a whirlwind trip through India’s sights, smells and sounds, Robert Cross vows to return AIPUR, India – ‘I was told that the first thing you’ll notice is the smell,’ said my friend […]
IAN WISHART Killing us softly with their song Cellphones kill 17 in road crashes”, screamed the newspaper headline, or something like it. I almost choked on the latte (come on, I live in Auckland). Seventeen […]
ALAN RM JONES The year of the monkey… It was an annus horribilis for an increasingly isolated and beleaguered Republican president under attack from a scathing media and irresolute Democrats in Congress. Each day’s news […]
HOMEMADE PROZAC When the weather’s cold and the sun sets mid-afternoon, Eli Jameson finds brightness in the kitchen It has always amazed me that when T.S. Eliot wrote the line, ‘April is the cruelest month’, […]
ANN COULTER The problem of fruitbat university lecturers… University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill has written that “unquestionably, America has earned” the attack of 9/11. He calls the attack itself a result of “gallant sacrifices […]
JAMES MORROW Get ready for a long, hot summer… Anyone who has ever taken a holiday in a beach community knows that such places can be fairly insular places. When so much time is spent […]
NOODLING AROUND Want a fun challenge in the kitchen? Make your own pasta, says Eli Jameson Ah, the pasta aisle of the supermarket. Fettucini, cavatelli, oricchiette, rigatoni, penne rigate…just reading off the names on the […]
TRAFFICKING IN TEARS Slavery was supposed to be a thing of the past. But in the dark corners of Australia, it is still flourishing – and as SHAUN DAVIES reports, despite recent efforts the government […]
RICHARD PROSSER A burning question A millennium dawns, and a power and environmental crisis beckons. Or does it? The globe is warming, oil is running out, and it’s all our fault, apparently. Mankind’s fondness for […]
MATT HAYDEN Even Kofi Annan’s got his own weblog now… MARCH 21 2005 Man, this investigation into Kojo and me is a real drag. It’s total pressure, 24-7! I thought having this position meant I […]
‘NAM PLUSSED Patricia Rodriguez discovers the joys (and hassles) of Vietnam, but falls in love with it anyway LAU CAI, Vietnam – After sleeping fitfully on the night train from Hanoi – note to self: […]
LAURA WILSON Identifying and eradicating unwanted pests New Zealand Customs officers are among the world’s most rigorously protective. We love to keep things out of our remote little country. I quite frequently fly around the […]
MIRANDA DEVINE Wolfe howls at loose moon units of the Left After thoroughly enjoying Tom Wolfe’s latest novel I Am Charlotte Simmons, it came as some surprise to read review after review that panned the […]
LOST IN TRANSLATION She was a Russian dancer. He was a suburban psychopath. IAN WISHART has the story of a paedophile’s manipulation of the law to gain access to children, and a trail of wrecked […]
“DOOR” BORES, SEX SELLS Great acting belies the controversy over “Kinsey”, while Kim Basinger’s latest is just plain creepy. Door In The Floor Released: February 3, 2005 Rated: M 2 stars Sure, Door In The […]
SEEING RED Eli Jameson celebrates summer and separates the ripe tomatoes from the hoary chestnuts Hear the word ‘tomatoes’, and what do you think of? Spaghetti piled high and swimming in marinara sauce? Garden vines […]
CAN GRANT HACKETT? Fully recovered from the health woes that plagued him during last year’s Olympics, and now breathing down the neck of the world’s fastest man, Grant Hackett speaks to JENI PAYNE about motivation […]
PERCHANCE TO WALK Sleep is still barely understood; sleepwalking, even less so. A look into the bizarre world of people who go bump in the night So I sleepwalked the other night. I didn’t go […]
THE DEATH OF TAXES As pressure builds on the Howard Government to cut taxes, IAN WISHART reports on moves in the United States that go one giant leap further, and which may yet impact on […]
THE CREDIT CARD TRAP They’ve done it again, says Peter Higgins: banks have figured out a new set of tricks to turn your plastic into their gold You’ve just finished paying off the overseas holiday […]
RAIN AND TERROR What makes a storm a killer? Scientists are searching for the early warning signs, say Jeremy Manier and E.A. Torrier The two hurricanes that roared into the Gulf of Mexico earlier this […]
TO HELL AND BACK Was life on early Earth as bad as all that? And what does that mean for life on other planets? Robert S. Boyd reports A scientific quest called “Mission to Really […]
FEMALE TROUBLE Women, alcohol, and friends who don’t look outfor each other are a potentially tragic mix The other night an all-too-rare thing happened in the cab: two young women separated from their group of […]
OFF THE STREET New breeds of community banks are getting customers out of queues and into high interest, says Todd Parker Australians love to hate their banks. It’s a constant staple of talk-back radio; one […]
A DAY ON THE BEACH At Pacific Dunes, Eli Jameson plays a round – and pulls out his sand wedge Port Stephens, NSW – Getting a chance to drive up the coast and play a […]
GET HEP! An old dog learns new tricks. Plus: deep in the heart of Texas (and England) Paul Anka ‘Rock Swings’, Verve 3 stars Paul Anka is another pop cat seeking new life in jazz. […]
MOB RULES Skip the fairy tales this month – the best flicks on offer this summer are all about nitty-gritty reality Inside Deep Throat Released: Nov 10, 2005 Rated: R 5 stars Deep Throat cost […]
WATCH AND LEARN James Fletcher on all the latest options for the small-screen cinema Death of a Beatle – Collector’s Edition DVD 4 stars On December 8 this year it will have been 25 years […]
POSTCARD FROM THE EDGE If Geoff Mackley were a cat, he’d almost surely have used up his quota of lives by now. As the world’s ultimate storm-chaser and subject of the Discovery Channel’s Dangerman series, […]
THE ARENA JAMES MORROW Australians should be proud of the role they played bringing democracy to Iraq From the moment John Howard committed troops to help the United States enforce the slew of U.N. resolutions […]
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