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DIARY OF A CABBIE : Nov 05, AU Edition

FEMALE TROUBLE Women, alcohol, and friends who don’t look outfor each other are a potentially tragic mix The other night an all-too-rare thing happened in the cab: two young women separated from their group of […]

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Australian edition

MUSIC: Nov 05, AU Edition

GET HEP! An old dog learns new tricks. Plus: deep in the heart of Texas (and England) Paul Anka ‘Rock Swings’, Verve 3 stars Paul Anka is another pop cat seeking new life in jazz. […]

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Australian edition

MOVIES: Nov 05, AU Edition

MOB RULES Skip the fairy tales this month – the best flicks on offer this summer are all about nitty-gritty reality Inside Deep Throat Released: Nov 10, 2005 Rated: R 5 stars Deep Throat cost […]

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Australian edition

DVDs: Nov 05, AU Edition

WATCH AND LEARN James Fletcher on all the latest options for the small-screen cinema Death of a Beatle – Collector’s Edition DVD 4 stars On December 8 this year it will have been 25 years […]

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Australian edition

BOOKS: Nov 05. AU Edition

MONSTERS AND THE DARK Plus: Looking back at Old Blue Eyes and Australia’s really ancient history MAO: The Unknown Story By Jung Chang and Jon Holliday, Jonathan Cape, $59.95 This is how this large and […]

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Australian edition

TRAVEL: Nov 05, AU Edition

WHERE TRADITION RULES Once a closed state, Carol Pucci discovers Laos is an unspoiled treat LUANG PRABANG, Laos – At first it sounds like thunder. Then I recognize the beat of a drum and the […]

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November 05

FOOD: Nov 05, AU Edition

FOR OUR OWN GOOD? Eli Jameson looks at our overzealous food regulation – but sees a glimmer of hope As anyone who has ever flown into Australia knows, the rules for what can and cannot […]

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Australian edition

HEALTH: Nov 05, AU Edition

CRITICAL THINKING The brain is a marvelous thing – but it can also play tricks on us (for our own good, of course) Have you ever felt badly blue, critically assessed your life and thought, […]

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Australian edition

TECHNOLOGY: Nov 05, AU Edition

WHAT’S MY ADDRESS? A new internet numbering system could computerize everything, reports Brian Kladko The Internet is running out of real estate. Just like a city, the Internet’s virtual space is divvied up into addresses […]

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Australian edition

Nov 05, AU Edition

FAMILY MAN…WEATHER MAN…HIS OWN MAN Nicholas Cage is one of Hollywood’s most complex actors and fascinating personalities. The son of a literature professor (and nephew of Francis Ford Coppola), Cage was once expelled from primary […]

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Australian edition

Nov 05, AU Edition

THE MISERY INDEX It comes like a thief in the night and empties wallets of purchasing power. And it means debtors make off like bandits. What is it? Inflation – and with oil prices high, […]

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Australian edition

Nov 05, AU Edition

David J. Ford has spent a lifetime working in the region’s hotspots – including over a half-dozen years active service with the British Army’s Royal Military Police during the Malayan Emergency and the Borneo Rebellion […]

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Australian edition

Nov 05, AU Edition

ISLAM’S MESSAGE TO THE WEST We’re coming to get you Earlier this month the terror group Jemaah Islamiyah hit Bali again. Now, in this exclusive interview for Investigate magazine in Australia and New Zealand, given […]

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Australian edition


IAN WISHART We’re all fundamentalists now They’re just another raving bunch of fundamentalists! Now there’s a phrase you’ll hear on talk radio if you listen hard enough. Fundamentalist. The very word, in its modern context, […]

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Australian edition

RIGHT HOOK: Nov 05, AU Edition

ANN COULTER George W. Bush’s court pick alienated even his friends Supreme Court nomination may not have been the ideal time for Laura Bush to start acting like ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ Hillary Clinton. […]

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Australian edition

LEFT HOOK: Nov 05, AU Edition

NOEL HADJIMICHAEL Schools can play a bigger role promoting democratic values The last 30 days or so have seen Australians come to grips with a diverse range of challenging images. We have been traumatised by […]

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Australian edition

SCIENCE: Nov 05, AU Edition

A CASE OF THE SHAKES New research says that earthquakes may be contagious, reports Sandi Doughton Geologists used to answer with an emphatic “No” when asked if mega-earthquakes like the one that hit Southeast Asia […]

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Australian edition

Money, Nov 05, AU Edition

DON’T CALL US… …or we’ll call ADMA. Everything you need to do to parry the assault of the telemarketers Quiz time: You’ve just arrived home after a busy day and are starting to prepare dinner. […]

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Australian edition

Nov 05, AU Edition

THE KYOTO CONSPIRACY How Enron hyped global warming for profit Amidst all the talk about the benefits that Kyoto Protocol is supposed to promote, it is perhaps forgotten especially amongst the greenies how Kyoto was […]

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Australian edition

SPIN CITY: Nov 05, AU Edition

ALAN ANDERSON The last thing we need is a politicized judiciary For politicians and rock stars, publicity is like oxygen. For members of some other professions – central bankers and public servants, for instance – […]

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Australian edition

THE WATCHER: Nov 05, AU Edition

ALAN RM JONES Rudd and the ALP may be having a meltdown – even if glaciers aren’t National security is too important to tolerate the fundamental misrepresentation of the truth’, shadow foreign affairs spokesman Kevin […]

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Australian edition

THE ARENA: Nov 05, AU Edition

JAMES MORROW Iraqis have a sturdy constitution If it bleeds, it leads’ is the old cliché about how journalists, editors, and producers decide what leads the evening news and makes the front page of the […]