The Gun Debate
GUN SHY The Firearms Debate Reignites In the wake of the Virginia Tech killings, fresh questions are being asked about gun control. The answers, however, may surprise you when we put New Zealand’s crime rate […]
GUN SHY The Firearms Debate Reignites In the wake of the Virginia Tech killings, fresh questions are being asked about gun control. The answers, however, may surprise you when we put New Zealand’s crime rate […]
TO SERVE AND PROTECT The devastating truth about police corruption in New Zealand Explosive new allegations of widespread police sexual misconduct reaching as high as current police commissioner Howard Broad have emerged in a major […]
RISE OF THE NEO-COMS The Socialists Are Back New Zealand’s new communists wear designer jeans, frequent Ponsonby and Thorndon, are hypocrites-extraordinaire, and have far more influence than Karl Marx ever fantasised. IAN WISHART discovers the […]
Rod Dreher discovers feminist icon Camille Paglia channeling ‘Eve’s Bite’ “That’s what’s going to make us vulnerable to people coming from any side, including the Muslim side, where there’s fervor. Fervor will conquer apathy. I […]
Documentarians battle America’s PBS TV to get Islam film on the air, reports Karoun Demirjian The film features grainy footage and dramatic music, presenting itself as a stark look at the way fundamentalist Muslims in […]
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