St John’s Ambulance promotes award for alleged child sex offender

A St John Ambulance official who allegedly had sex with a 14 year old child is being given a Governor-General’s award despite both St John’s and the Government being aware of his involvement in the offending.

“It is time for the Order of St John to come clean on the fact that they are about to give awards sanctioned by the Queen to publically named officers accused of child sex offences, and it is time for the media to stop enabling such inappropriate recognition, by casting suspicion of other organsiations by default, and by failing to name these people” says Steve Taylor, Director of 24-7 Ltd.

“Sam Brens and Karl Berghan have already been evidentially named in the public arena by Investigate Magazine as the two St Johns Ambulance officers that were accused of child sex offences against a minor, and the fact that the Order of St John have recommended either of these two officers for premium recognition, while aware of the history of these officers, is a slap in the face for the family whose child was being sexually assaulted at the time” says Mr Taylor.

“In July 2011, the Order of St John was nominated in a Readers Digest poll as being the most trusted civil brand in New Zealand – no wonder, if this sort of information is kept tightly under wraps by the organisation” says Mr Taylor.

“The family that suffered this utter indignity have been attempting to seek justice for 7 years – rewarding the accused perpetrators of child sex offences is just repulsive, who only escaped prosecution because the key witness was too afraid to testify against them” says Mr Taylor.

Media articles here:



and here:

1 Comment

  1. Actually, both the Governor General and St John are reconsidering this award to these two offenders. Several people wrote to both the Governor General and the CEO of St John expressing their disgust and outrage at not just the decision to grant the award, but the boasting of this man in the original article – people are usually sworn to secrecy prior to actually achieving awards – this blatant arrogance is sickening! There was clearly enough evidence for the police to charge them and the article in which he boasts “If it’s good enough for the Queen it should be good enough for everyone” is outrageous! Both St John and the Governor General say they are reconsidering the award in light of public opinion on the matter so I hope others express their views too.
    Transparency in NZ

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