Accidental Damage Cover: $99 12-mth No Questions policy


Can I get accident insurance for my new mobile phone?

Sure. Accidental damage voids your warranty so purchasing cover gives you the option of getting a brand new phone without any lingering bugs from the accident. Your home and contents policy probably covers your phone already. Alternatively choose the $99 Outdoor Phone Store “No Questions” Accidental Damage Cover at the time of purchase or within 28 days thereafter. If purchased, and upon relinquishment of the accident-damaged phone to us, our policy entitles you to one new replacement phone of the same value within the first twelve months, subject to a policy excess payable by the customer at the following rates:

On phones priced* under $399: excess of $150 plus $30 airfreight

On phones priced between $399 and $599: excess of $250 plus $30 airfreight

On phones priced between $600 and $899: excess of $350 plus $30 airfreight

On phones priced between $900 and $1099: excess of $550 plus $30 airfreight

On phones priced between $1100 and $1899: excess of $800 plus $30 airfreight

[Note: for our most expensive phones, your existing home and contents cover may be your cheapest insurance choice, although the purchase of our $99 policy will give you a backup option if your insurer declines cover or writes down the insured value of the phone]

This policy is only available on phones purchased from the Outdoor Phone Store, and must be purchased either with the phone or within 28 days of the purchase date.

*Price refers to the full retail price of the unit



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