FOOD: May 05, AU Edition
HOMEMADE PROZAC When the weather’s cold and the sun sets mid-afternoon, Eli Jameson finds brightness in the kitchen It has always amazed me that when T.S. Eliot wrote the line, ‘April is the cruelest month’, […]
HOMEMADE PROZAC When the weather’s cold and the sun sets mid-afternoon, Eli Jameson finds brightness in the kitchen It has always amazed me that when T.S. Eliot wrote the line, ‘April is the cruelest month’, […]
NOODLING AROUND Want a fun challenge in the kitchen? Make your own pasta, says Eli Jameson Ah, the pasta aisle of the supermarket. Fettucini, cavatelli, oricchiette, rigatoni, penne rigate…just reading off the names on the […]
SEEING RED Eli Jameson celebrates summer and separates the ripe tomatoes from the hoary chestnuts Hear the word ‘tomatoes’, and what do you think of? Spaghetti piled high and swimming in marinara sauce? Garden vines […]
THE VAST WASTELAND Australia’s cable cooking programs give Eli Jameson tummy trouble Is Foxtel holding Neil Perry’s dog hostage somewhere in the bowels of its Pyrmont broadcasting facility? The question would almost be worth asking, […]
FIT TO BE FRIED Eli Jameson writes that cooking is just like defending a besieged castle: sometimes, it’s done best with boiling oil Pity the carnivore in love with the vegetarian. All of a sudden […]
THE TAXATION DIET Eli Jameson says the best way to keep kids slim is to run them around – not tax their snacks We Australians are a funny lot: we are either fiercely individualist and […]
YOLKING AROUND Eggs aren’t just for breakfast anymore, says Eli Jameson. Just make sure they’re fresh I had a friend, many years ago, who was terrified of eggs. He wasn’t plagued by dreams that involved […]
How a popular artificial sweetener in all diet drinks, “sugarless” gum, low-fat icecream and a host of “sugar-free” diet, fitness and drug products, is probably creating health problems for a good number of New Zealanders […]
THE VINTNER’S LUCK How NZ and Australian wines took on the world, and won It’s not often we get a chance to celebrate international success these days, but as SELWYN PARKER in London discovered, they […]
BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE The kitchen, the kitchen, the kitchen’s on fire at Eli Jameson’s place The holidays bring visitors from around the world, and for the past few weeks I have been playing host […]
GOOD HERB Eli Jameson says its time to freshen up One of my greater failings in life is my utter inability to deal with the world of plants. A green thumb I have not. Even […]
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