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Islam vs The West, Part 1

From riots in Pakistan to demonstrations in Europe, Asia and even Australia, intelligence agencies are keeping a close eye on the rise of HIZB UT TAHRIR, or The Party of Islamic Liberation, an extremist Muslim […]

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Feb 06 issue

Benson-Pope and the Naked Schoolgirls

Labour MP David Benson-Pope’s parliamentary career may be on the rocks today, after new revelations from Investigate magazine. The magazine’s website has today revealed major new allegations against Benson-Pope, including a much more recent criminal […]

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When laptops go bang

When laptops go bang Alex Goldfayn assesses the risks of inflight fires caused by laptop batteries Distraught and scrambling off the United Airlines plane, the man ran out of the jet bridge past passengers waiting […]

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Genetic Modification

Dioxin’s Toxic Legacy: Jan 07 issue

A TOXIC LEGACY UPI’s Christine Dell’amore profiles new research on Dioxin’s reproductive dangers New evidence on the effects of dioxin in the Vietnam-era herbicide Agent Orange suggests the chemical interferes with the reproductive systems of […]

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Feature articles

After America: Get Ready For Armageddon

GET READY FOR ARMAGEDDON WHEN AMERICA FALLS, SO WILL WE Soon after 9/11, Investigate columnist Mark Steyn noted that the West is “sleepwalking to national suicide”. Eleven years on, the edge of the precipice has […]


X In The Suburbs

X IN THE SUBURBS: Apr 05, AU Edition X IN THE SUBURBS Ecstasy and other party drugs used to be an import-only business. But now, home-grown gangs have figured out the trick to pill-making and […]

Feature articles

Estradiol dangers

Sep 05, AU edition RAGING BULL There’s nothing more red-blooded than a juicy slab of steak, but BARBARA SUMNER-BURSTYN reports that a female sex hormone linked to ‘gay’ behaviour in animals and adverse effects on […]

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Climate Change

Andy Revkin becomes smiling assassin

The New York Times columnist whose Dot Earth blog became a beacon to global warming believers has joined his transatlantic counterpart George Monbiot in delivering death to senior IPCC climate scientists by a thousand cuts in […]

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Climate Change

Report: Russians hacked climate e-mails

LONDON, Dec. 7 (UPI) – E-mails purporting to show a coverup by British climate change scientists were hacked in a sophisticated operation originating in Russia, sources say. Citing an unnamed senior member of the U.N.’s […]

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Rudd stranded

Sydney (dpa) – Last weekend’s by-election results presented Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with an inconvenient truth: Australians are warming to the opposition Liberal Party’s do-nothing approach to climate change. With an election to contest next […]

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Climate Change

The Kyoto Conspiracy

Nov 05, AU Edition THE KYOTO CONSPIRACY How Enron hyped global warming for profit Amidst all the talk about the benefits that Kyoto Protocol is supposed to promote, it is perhaps forgotten especially amongst the […]