The Vintner’s Luck: March 07 issue
THE VINTNER’S LUCK How NZ and Australian wines took on the world, and won It’s not often we get a chance to celebrate international success these days, but as SELWYN PARKER in London discovered, they […]
THE VINTNER’S LUCK How NZ and Australian wines took on the world, and won It’s not often we get a chance to celebrate international success these days, but as SELWYN PARKER in London discovered, they […]
A Brave Story and a Bitter Pill With teenage pregnancy affecting women since the beginning of time, the choice is ultimately one that is hers to make. But with a new offering of hope and […]
RISE OF THE NEO-COMS The Socialists Are Back New Zealand’s new communists wear designer jeans, frequent Ponsonby and Thorndon, are hypocrites-extraordinaire, and have far more influence than Karl Marx ever fantasised. IAN WISHART discovers the […]
ESSAY caption: this 15 year old Indonesian girl was almost beheaded by Islamic extremists. Her crime: being a Christian DANGEROUS LIAISONS Muslims, Marxists and NZ Migration There’s more controversy over Investigate’s 18 page special report […]
WOLVES IN SHEIKH’S CLOTHING Jonathan Last takes a troubling look inside moderate Islam When I first met Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, he was a young counterterrorism expert just breaking into print. I had edited some of his […]
UPI Intelligence Analysis THE DOOMSDAY PROPHET From Muslim hordes to atom bomb…Joshua Brilliant tracks the disturbing endgame of radical Islam For the third time in its history, Islam is trying to bring the true faith […]
A long time ago on a marae far, far away…or it may as well have been. For the past three decades, all most New Zealanders have heard is a series of reinterpretations of the Treaty […]
THE JOHN KEY INTERVIEW They say New Zealand politicians can’t be bought, but tell that to the person who, just before Christmas, shelled out more than $4,000 to have lunch with new National Party leader […]
BILL ENGLISH INTERVIEW INVESTIGATE: In terms of what you see as the biggest issues for National over the next two years, what would they be? ENGLISH: As the finance spokesman, the biggest issue for me […]
THE ART OF YEN: and how New Zealand’s economy may disappear down a Japanese black hole Financial commentators like Investigate’s own Peter Hensley have been warning for months we’ve been living on borrowed time. Now, […]
Rod Dreher discovers feminist icon Camille Paglia channeling ‘Eve’s Bite’ “That’s what’s going to make us vulnerable to people coming from any side, including the Muslim side, where there’s fervor. Fervor will conquer apathy. I […]
Disgraced British MP George Galloway is pushing a pro-Islamic agenda on a visit to New Zealand. (Story currently in print edition) Other Resources: Download file May 05 Senate Report Senate Inquiry final report Oct 05 […]
WHEN PRIVATE BECOMES PUBLIC How far should the media go into the lives of public figures? A few days ago Investigate Online posted a restricted access story on its website making fresh and serious allegations […]
Documentarians battle America’s PBS TV to get Islam film on the air, reports Karoun Demirjian The film features grainy footage and dramatic music, presenting itself as a stark look at the way fundamentalist Muslims in […]
They’re calling it the most explosive movie on the life of Christ ever made, but as millions flock to see The Passion, sceptics and evangelists are again at loggerheads over the truth of the Gospel […]
With New Zealand three months into a year long trial of Taser stun guns, there’s growing controversy here and overseas about whether Tasers are as safe as claimed, and whether the company itself has cut […]
Is the tide of Islamic fundamentalism now washing at our own door? One of the world’s most-wanted terrorists has visited New Zealand without being arrested by security authorities here, despite his involvement in attacks that […]
“That’s one small step for man….one giant leap for conspiracy theorists”: did we really land on the Moon? HAMISH CARNACHAN investigates the controversial argument over whether NASA faked it, or whether the people pushing the […]
IAN WISHART hunts for subtle slants in our daily news coverage Back in the late 1980s, as AIDS hysteria swept New Zealand and the world, and virtually every second newspaper headline screamed warnings that “on […]
Ask anyone about the summers of their childhood and the stories are likely to be similar – long lazy days at sleepy coastal towns. But now those sleepy hollows are becoming mega-resorts, and HAMISH CARNACHAN […]
From Donald Duck to Donald Dark, is a new breed of cartoon a threat to our childrens’ mental health? IAN WISHART brings together research from around the world that suggests violent cartoons and interactive games […]
Leaked documents suggest the collapse of the police emergency communications system is imminent, and as HAMISH CARNACHAN reports, public lives may already be at risk… Picture this: A police officer gets an urgent dispatch to […]
You know the drill: cold shower threats every two years, government warnings of a “1 in 60 year drought” every 18 months – are solar and wind power really the answer to our power prayers? […]
Is it the call of the wild, or something even more primal? HAMISH CARNACHAN investigates a growing phenomenon in population drift: They call it downshifting. A word evocative, per-haps, of a steel blue Porsche 911 […]
They act before they think, almost pre-programmed to shoot on reflex -HAMISH CARNACHAN investigates the campaign to stop hunters killing each other in the bush On Easter Sunday a young Hamilton man, out deer- stalking […]
Imagine trying to cut the road toll by making it illegal to ride a bicycle. Then imagine trying to reduce teen alcohol consumption by putting a hefty new tax on port and sherry. Little wonder, […]
Tthe rest of new zealand is paying for auckland’s new transport network through petrol taxes, but now aucklanders are getting uppity about paying their share of a rates increase. HAMISH CARNACHAN asks whether aucklanders are […]
Did the Weapons of Mass Destruction ever exist, or was it just a ruse? JIM LANDERS, IAN WISHART & WILLIAM SHERMAN examine the evidence, the allegations and the fallout from Gulf War 2 In the […]
What you’re about to read is the aviation equivalent of a game of Cluedo. On the floor is the corpse of an airline. In the wings, so to speak, is a cast of potential suspects, […]
A major weakness has been discovered in New Zealand’s foreign intelligence analysis: trade officials invited a rich Asian businessman to invest here and meet the Prime Minister and top business leaders – apparently unaware that […]
Political-correctness, just a mild nerdy aberration or the new face of socialist mind control? HAMISH CARNACHAN talks to British expert Frank Ellis Cricket is a simple game. The object is to score more runs than […]
Vicious dog attacks have dominated domestic news coverage in New Zealand. Now Parliament is looking at new laws to leash and muzzle the country’s canines. HAMISH CARNACHAN spent a day in the dogbox with Animal […]
Popular myth these days would have you believe Saddam Hussein is a creature of the CIA, a stooge of the West, armed to the teeth by America and set loose. The truth, as IAN WISHART […]
A 19 year old Iraqi exile in Britain, RANIA KASHI, tells her friends to welcome the war, not protest it Dear All, I am writing this email after a lot of deliberation about whether I […]
NOTE: full article in print edition With the moratorium on GM due to lift in just a few months, disturbing new evidence is emerging from overseas about GM’s failures, but no-one seems to be listening […]
One in four New Zealand women have an abortion in their lives. One in ten will develop breast cancer. Now doctors suspect our soaring abortion rate is causing our breast cancer epidemic, as IAN WISHART […]
The Civil Union Bill is be-ing promoted as reasonable legislation, to rectify civil rules and regulations that allegedly discriminate against homosexuals and lesbians. Many New Zealanders, including senior politicians from other parties, are supportive, believing […]
She was 27 years old. Her Australian-born daughter was only two. They had already suffered much, but at the hands of a New Zealand Judge, a lawyer and an alleged paedophile and drug dealer, they […]
Are modern anti-depressants actually making people crazy? CLARE SWINNEY investigates the growing controversy over the side effects and withdrawal sympoms of the SSRIs: Janet Frame touches on the association between doctors and patients in Faces […]
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