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April 04 issue


The Civil Union Bill is be-ing promoted as reasonable legislation, to rectify civil rules and regulations that allegedly discriminate against homosexuals and lesbians. Many New Zealanders, including senior politicians from other parties, are supportive, believing […]

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Child Custody


She was 27 years old. Her Australian-born daughter was only two. They had already suffered much, but at the hands of a New Zealand Judge, a lawyer and an alleged paedophile and drug dealer, they […]

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Islam vs The West, Part 1

From riots in Pakistan to demonstrations in Europe, Asia and even Australia, intelligence agencies are keeping a close eye on the rise of HIZB UT TAHRIR, or The Party of Islamic Liberation, an extremist Muslim […]

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Feb 07 issue

Healthy goals

Healthy goals Claire Morrow seems to have been given some Tony Robbins CDs for Christmas 2007, Year of the Car. I know, I know, it’s not very United Nations; in 2007 I plan to in-crease […]

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Feb 06 issue

Benson-Pope and the Naked Schoolgirls

Labour MP David Benson-Pope’s parliamentary career may be on the rocks today, after new revelations from Investigate magazine. The magazine’s website has today revealed major new allegations against Benson-Pope, including a much more recent criminal […]

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When laptops go bang

When laptops go bang Alex Goldfayn assesses the risks of inflight fires caused by laptop batteries Distraught and scrambling off the United Airlines plane, the man ran out of the jet bridge past passengers waiting […]

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Genetic Modification

Dioxin’s Toxic Legacy: Jan 07 issue

A TOXIC LEGACY UPI’s Christine Dell’amore profiles new research on Dioxin’s reproductive dangers New evidence on the effects of dioxin in the Vietnam-era herbicide Agent Orange suggests the chemical interferes with the reproductive systems of […]

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Jan 07 issue

Curacao: Jan 07 issue

Under the peel in Curacao: The sweet parts of an island that’s not just beaches and banks Toni Salama discovers an unspoilt Caribbean paradise WILLEMSTAD, Curacao – The fruit of the laraha orange tastes so […]