Global governance the final solution to climate change – it’s official

By Ian Wishart

The mask is off, the money quote is now in the media, “global governance” is now being pitched as the only solution to climate change, ahead of the Rio+20 global summit in June.

Climate and social scientists attending a London talkfest, the Planet Under Pressure conference, have issued a declaration calling on the United Nations to create a new world government agency “to integrate social, economic and environmental policy at the global level”.

That’s an organisation with the power to dictate to sovereign governments what social, economic and environmental policies they are allowed to introduce and the power to veto the democratic votes of citizens in sovereign states if they disagree with globally ordered policies.

In international law, once an international treaty is ratified by a sovereign parliament and codified, it and its terms become binding subject to any penalty clauses for breach of the treaty built into it.

The ten page Planet Under Pressure declaration includes this striking demand:

“C1. Fundamental reorientation and restructuring of national and international institutions is required to overcome barriers to progress and to move to effective Earthsystem governance. Governments must take action to support institutions and mechanisms that will improve coherence, as well as bring about integrated policy and action across the social, economic and environmental pillars. Current understanding supports the creation of a Sustainable Development Council within the UN system to integrate social, economic and environmental policy at the global level. There is also strong support for strengthening global governance by including civil society, business and industry in decision-making at all levels.”

This declaration brings to around half a dozen so far this year from non-governmental and quasi-governmental organisations all calling for “global governance” to achieve global “sustainability”.

Investigate covered the last such demand only a fortnight ago.

The similar theme emerging from supposedly diverse groups is no coincidence. In public relations terminology its a “meme”, designed to sell the concept to the public ahead of likely political movement on the matter at Rio+20. It’s the strongest indicator yet that climate change is being used to try and introduce the biggest political and social change to human society in history.

Just in case you’re thinking too much attention is being given to a bunch of no-name crackpots, the list of advisors for this declaration includes:

“The Planet Under Pressure Board of Patrons includes:
“Joseph Alcamo, Chief Scientist of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

“Sir John Beddington, UK Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor

“Tim Flannery, Panasonic Professor of Environmental Sustainability at Macquarie University

“Lord Turner, Chairman of the Climate Change Committee, UK

The declaration was immediately welcomed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

“I welcome the State of the Planet declaration issued today by the Co-chairs of this conference. Its timing, two months before the UN Conference on Sustainable
Development, could not be better. Rio+20 is a major opportunity to advance the policy–science interface.

“I look forward to working with the scientific community towards a more coherent, science-based and effective approach to today’s global challenges,” Ban said.

1 Comment

  1. Why don’t we address the problem by its root? Climate change as many stated is close related to polution. Polution is close related to greed. Greed is the mother of the manatory system. You get rid of greed and its short cuts you reduce polution. You reduce polution – climate will benefit. I do not see the point putting armed forces in a position where they can inforce a rule globaly on an issue like climate change.

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