One in three New Zealanders believes in little green men


A third of New Zealanders (33%) believe that Earth has been visited by UFOs from other planets, according to a new poll by UMR Research.

– 34% of under 30 year olds, 36% of 30-44 year olds and 35% of 45-59 year olds believe in UFOs, but this drops to 26% amongst over 60 year olds.

The data is from UMR Research’s online omnibus survey, which covered a nationally representative sample of 1,000 New Zealanders aged 18 years and over and explored New Zealanders’ beliefs in a range of areas. Other findings include:

– 55% of us think that at least some people have psychic powers such as ESP, with women (67%), over 60 year olds (63%) and Māori (60%) particularly likely to believe that this is true.

– Six in 10 of us (61%) believe in God. This includes 72% of women but only 52% of men.

– Almost 8 in 10 of us (78%) believe that Jesus was a real person who lived 2000 years ago.

– A narrow majority of us (57%) believe in life after death, although belief in life after death declines with age (49% of over 60 year olds, 65% of under 30 year olds).

– Only 24% think that astrology can predict people’s futures.

This is the first in a series of releases on beliefs. Future releases will cover issues such as understanding of aspects of Māori culture and public faith in herbal remedies.