Tiger dropped?

Los Angeles (dpa) – Advertisers have been quick to drop Tiger Woods, media tracking firm Nielsen said Wednesday. The golfer has not appeared in a primetime ad on US television since November 29, a few days after he was engulfed in scandal following a late-night car crash outside his home.

Despite the halt in television ads featuring Woods, none of his multi-million dollar endorsement contracts have yet been cancelled by the likes of companies like Nike and Gillette, according to ABC News. Though Pepsi did confirm that it was discontinuing a Tiger Woods- branded energy drink, the move had been announced before the scandal broke, the report said. On Wednesday a spokesperson for Playgirl said they had what appeared to be naked photos of Woods, and they plan on publishing them if they can confirm their validity.

Woods, who was previously seen as a squeaky clean athletic role model, has been tainted by allegations of serial infidelities with as many as 10 women around the United States including various waitresses, nightclub hostesses and porn stars. Woods has been the focus of tabloid inquiry since he crashed his car outside his house in the early hours of November 27 amid allegations of a massive fight between him and his wife. A statement later issued by the star golfer, in which he apologized for undisclosed “transgressions” and letting his family down, has fuelled speculation of marital infidelity.