RIGHT HOOK: July 05, AU Edition
ANN COULTER Gagging on ‘Deep Throat’ My only regret is that Mark Felt did not rat out Nixon because he was ticked off about rapprochement with China or détente with the Soviets. Rather, Felt leaked […]
ANN COULTER Gagging on ‘Deep Throat’ My only regret is that Mark Felt did not rat out Nixon because he was ticked off about rapprochement with China or détente with the Soviets. Rather, Felt leaked […]
ANN COULTER George W. Bush’s court pick alienated even his friends Supreme Court nomination may not have been the ideal time for Laura Bush to start acting like ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ Hillary Clinton. […]
ANN COULTER Ever have one of those millennia? It’s always important to get liberals to stop complaining long enough to make a hard prediction. This month we will review liberal predictions on the Iraqi elections. […]
ANN COULTER The purposeless-driven left It’s been a tough year for the secular crowd. There was Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, the moral values election in the U.S., the Christian hostage subduing her […]
ANN COULTER Lefties, come back! Liberals have been completely intellectually vanquished. Actually, they lost the war of ideas long ago. It’s just that now their defeat is so obvious, even they’ve noticed. As new Democratic […]
ANN COULTER It’s ‘let’s roll’, not ‘let’s roll over’ Since the London bombings, there has been a palpable feeling in the air that another terrorist attack is imminent. Maybe not as bad as 9/11, perhaps […]
RIGHT HOOK ANN COULTER Abortion is too important an issue to be left to judges Maybe he really is an idiot. On the 32nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade recently – I was going to […]
MELINDA TANKARD REIST RU-486 is not the solution for women in crisis In her campaign launch to bring the abortion pill RU-486 to this country in last month’s Medical Journal of Australia, Cairns obstetrician Dr […]
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