Swiss glaciers expanding again in climate change surprise


Edited By Benny Peiser


Owen Paterson, Britain’s secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs, says effects of global warming could be beneficial. The cabinet minister responsible for fighting the effects of climate change claimed there would be advantages to an increase in temperature predicted by the United Nations including fewer people dying of cold in winter and the growth of certain crops further north. Paterson has long been suspected of being a climate change sceptic. He has previously called for a reduction in the subsidies given to wind farms and other green energy initiatives. Rajeev Syal, The Guardian, 30 September 2013

People get very emotional about this subject and I think we should just accept that the climate has been changing for centuries. I think the relief of this latest IPCC report is that it shows a really quite modest increase, half of which has already happened. They are talking one to two and a half degrees. Remember that for humans, the biggest cause of death is cold in winter, far bigger than heat in summer. It would also lead to longer growing seasons and you could extend growing a little further north into some of the colder areas. –UK Environment Minister Owen Patterson, The Guardian, 30 September 2013

For the Swiss Alps 2013 was a good summer. Not since ten years ago have the glaciers lost as little mass as this year. And some seem to be gaining a little weight. The latest research shows: Glaciers can still grow back. “We have been doubting whether this is even possible at all. Now we know: It is possible,” says the glaciologist Andreas Bauder. –Fabienne Riklin, Schweiz am Sonntag, 29 September 2013 

THE global warming doomsday cult is coming to an end. Belief that the world is doomed, unless we replace coal and gas by renewables costing two or three times as much, is already driving up home energy bills and making manufacturing uncompetitive. But last week both Ed Miliband and a report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) signalled – by what they deliberately didn’t say – that global warming alarmism is no longer politically or scientifically sustainable. –Peter Lilley, City A.M. 30 September 2013

The real story of the IPCC’s summary for policy makers is not the upgrading of scientific confidence from 90% to 95% – whatever that really means – but the attempt at burying the ‘pause.’ It won’t matter in the long run because the IPCC hierarchy, just like many climate scientists, know that if the ‘pause’ continues for a few more years then everything will change. Despite what the IPCC said at the end of a week-long process to distil the science and communicate it simply, the ‘pause’ is still the biggest problem in climate science. Overall, for a press conference about the science of climate change, those scientists answering the questions behaved like politicians, and slippery ones at that. — David Whitehouse, The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 27 September 2013

Climate scientists at the Met Office Hadley Centre will unveil the first decadal climate prediction model in a paper published on 10 August 2007 in the journal Science. The paper includes the Met Office’s prediction for annual global temperature to 2014. Over the 10-year period as a whole, climate continues to warm and 2014 is likely to be 0.3 °C warmer than 2004. At least half of the years after 2009 are predicted to exceed the warmest year currently on record. —Met Office, 10 August 2007

Vahrenholt and Lüning reserve their major criticisms for the debasement of the science. The West can clearly cite the scientific method as among its most obvious triumphs. Yet this painstakingly-won advantage is now being sacrificed, they contend, in the interests of activists, egos, political necessity and headlines. In short, the science has been corrupted in the interests of political expediency. We can take some comfort from this. Truth  has a way of winning, however painfully. Patently, Vahrenholt and Lüning have laid out what at the very minimum must be a serious case for calling into question the IPPC orthodoxy. — Thomas Cussans, Bishop Hill, 30 September 2013

1) British Environment Minister: Global Warming May Be Good For The World – The Guardian, 30 September 2013

2) The First Alpine Glaciers Are Growing Again – Schweiz am Sonntag, 29 September 2013 

3) Peter Lilley: The End Is Near For Global Warming Doomsday Cult – City A.M. 30 September 2013

4) David Whitehouse: Don’t Mention The ‘Pause’ – The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 27 September 2013

5) Book Review: The Neglected Sun – Bishop Hill, 30 September 2013

6) And Finally: The 2007 Met Office Forecast For 2014… – Met Office, 10 August 2007